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September insights: Therapy adherence, and the AI landscape we are operating in

The A.I. landscape continues to change, although there might be arguments on whether the pace continues to be high, or is perhaps slowing down a bit. We continue to try to stay on top of the changes to be able to keep you up to speed as well. Enjoy the read on your latest CROPLAND internal and external A.I. news.

The life sciences sector is at the forefront of innovation, particularly
in the healthcare industry where AI applications are implemented to
revolutionize patient care. Despite significant steps forward, the pharmaceutical industry has never really tackled improving patient adherence with concrete solutions. Partnering with Novellas Healthcare since 2023, CROPLAND has taken on the challenge of improving patient adherence with the help of A.I.

More A.I. in Health Care

CROPLAND had nothing to do with this one, but we like to keep you informed on all A.I. related news and developments and especially in departments that we also have a link with, like the Life Sciences and Health Care sector. 

A recent type of AI, developed at the Harvard Medical School is able to detect 19(!) different types of cancer. And moreover, the new model is able to perform a wide array of tasks, besides the mere detection of the cancer. It can forecast how a patient might respond to therapy and help inform individualized treatments.

Where is your company on the AI Barometer?

What’s keeping you from using AI to get your company to the next level? 

The latest AI Barometer (2023) is showing that although an increased percentage of Flemish companies is actually using A.I. technology in some form, still more than half of the companies is not using ANY AI technology yet and doesn’t have plans to implement this in the near future. 

Are you part of this 50%?  

How to talk to AI?

Our dear friend ChatGPT can be an excellent tool to quickly write texts, summarize large volumes of information or gather ideas for a new blog post/masterclass/… 

BUT… the output is only as good as the input provided. 

Interested in some tips & tricks on how to write a decent prompt? Have a read of one of our latest blog posts on precisely this topic.

With these stories, we are eager to showcase the diversity of A.I. applications, as well as the necessity for organizations of all sizes to build knowledge about and trust in A.I. technologies.

Is your organization ready for the next step in A.I.? Stay informed!

Be sure to follow us on social media for more information and updates on how A.I. can make a difference in your organization.

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