How to start with A.I.? Discover more with our ‘Do-it-yourself A.I. Starter kit’. Read more.



Know Your Customer (KYC)

Accept customer automatically without increasing defaults or fraud risks

Digitisation has changed customer acceptance operations. Many organisations are faced with digital channels for onboarding processes rather than a face-to-face approach. With this comes an increased risk of potential malicious behaviour, intentional default or fraud behaviour.

Are you entering into long-term financial agreements such as loans, leases or insurance contracts? Secure your business by running A.I. steered financial and profiling acceptance analyses.

With the help of (A.I.) algorithms and live APIs, CROPLAND prevents financial losses while still allowing for efficient online onboarding operations.

Prevent financial or reputation damage without missing commercial opportunities. CROPLAND makes sure your online onboarding and KYC operations run risk-free.

Save time and money by accelerating and automating your acceptance process through machine learning. Based on an extensive and objective assessment of time-series based information, you can detect credible customer applications. The analysis differentiates between different customers based on long-term data and information. Risky or unreliable customers will be flagged, helping you make viable and beneficial business decisions.

The data of the accepted and rejected applications will be stored in your own personal data library, improving the auditability of your business.

The result?

  • An increase in the quality and speed of the decision-making and acceptance process
  • Detection of fraudulent applications
  • Reduction in cost of failing customers
  • Incorporation of the results in daily operations and IT systems

Fraud prevention

Prevent fraud and secure your finances
Machinery typically requires periodic maintenance. These periods are very common, regardless of the exact usage of the machinery. Organisations spend large amounts of budget and rely on service and maintenance contracts to take care of this But what if we told you that CROPLAND can optimise your maintenance with the help of your data? We help you run sustainable operations and manufacturing by implementing machine learning algorithms. Production environments regularly overflow with different data-sets. It is often a challenge to connect different data sources from different technologies and solve missing data issues. At CROPLAND, we consolidate your data and develop machine learning and A.I. algorithms that will make accurate predictions.

The result?

  • Reduction of financial costs of defaulting and fraudulent customers
  • Increase your customer knowledge and patterns used in KYC customer acceptance models

Churn modelling

Reduce customer and staff turnover

Are you struggling with comprehending why you are losing customers or employees? CROPLAND develops algorithms that reveal churn patterns based on your data sets while guaranteeing data privacy and security.

Churn modelling helps you determine the probability of employees or customers leaving your company and explains how to avoid this.

The increasing digitisation of business and HR processes generates useful data that helps you to gain insight in your churn behaviour. Through an analysis of time-serie and behavioural data, A.I. algorithms can identify the driving forces behind customer and employee churn as well as increase employee and customer retention.

Recruiting new customers and employees is far more expensive than retaining existing ones. Make sure accurate and “required” data are stored so that it can be used for further analysis.

The result?

  • Identification of the motivations behind customer and employee churn
  • Increase in employee and customer retention

Industry 4.0

Run operations efficiently and predict maintenance

Machinery typically requires periodic maintenance. These periods are very common, regardless of the exact usage of the machinery. Organisations spend large amounts of budget and rely on service and maintenance contracts to take care of this.

But what if we told you that CROPLAND can optimise your maintenance with the help of your data? We help you run sustainable operations and manufacturing by implementing machine learning algorithms.

Production environments regularly overflow with different data-sets. It is often a challenge to connect different data sources from different technologies and solve missing data issues.

At CROPLAND, we consolidate your data and develop machine learning and A.I. algorithms that will make accurate predictions.

The result?

  • Insights in the root-causes of machinery failures
  • Prediction of maintenance requirements
  • Decrease in factory downtime
  • Reduction of unnecessary maintenance interventions and the associated costs

Let’s talk data

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