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October insights: Retrieval Augmented Generation, Copyright and Nobelprize material

The A.I. landscape continues to change, and we stay on top of the changes to keep you up to speed. Enjoy the read on your latest CROPLAND internal and external A.I. news.

Curious about how A.I. can deliver accurate answers, even when it’s about information that’s only available within your organization?

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) combines the power of a search engine and an A.I. chatbot. Instead of making up responses, RAG first retrieves the right information from your company’s own systems, like product details, service offerings, or internal policies, before the A.I. provides an answer. This means employees get faster, reliable answers, boosting productivity and preventing costly mistakes.

For businesses, RAG improves knowledge sharing, reduces time spent searching, and enhances customer support with precise information. Investing in RAG can mean lower costs and better outcomes.

Want an easy introduction to how this works? Check out our simple guide to RAG!

Can you use A.I. freely, or is copyright standing in the way?

As A.I.-generated content becomes more widespread, it’s crucial to understand the copyright landscape. Here are some key points from a recent article on using generative A.I. tools and potential copyright issues:

1️⃣ Who owns the rights? When A.I. creates content, the copyright ownership isn’t straightforward. Typically, the person or company using the A.I. tool might hold the rights, but it’s not guaranteed.

2️⃣ Training data matters: The legality of training data is important. If A.I. tools use copyrighted material to train their models, it could raise legal questions. 

3️⃣ Protecting your creations: If you use A.I. to assist in creating content, you should still look into protecting your work through traditional copyright processes.

4️⃣ Transparency is key: When using A.I. tools, it’s a good idea to clearly state the role of AI in your creation process to avoid confusion over originality and ownership.

For businesses and creatives leveraging A.I., understanding these nuances is crucial to stay compliant and protect your rights!

Want to dive into the matter more profoundly? Read the full article via the link below.

Start A.I. - in the footsteps of ZIDIS, Visix and Willems

Considering integrating A.I. into your organization? Even when you already have a clear view on where you want to implement A.I. into your business, embarking on a Start A.I. journey might bring you new insights you haven’t yet considered.

Visix and Willems are just starting their journey, while ZIDIS’s trajectory already finished a while ago, with a rather unexpected outcome. Learn more via the video.

Not sure yet whether the full trajectory is for you? Then apply for our DIY A.I. Starterkit, so you can kickstart your journey without any commitment.

If you are already experiencing the advantages of A.I. and want to share the ‘joy’ with others, please direct them to our Starterkit, so they can also get a taste of what to expect.

A.I. - Nobelprize material

This year, the power of A.I. has been recognized at the highest level with not just one, but two Nobel Prizes! 🎉

1. Nobel Prize in Chemistry: Demis Hassabis and John Jumper from DeepMind have been honored for their groundbreaking work on AlphaFold, which has revolutionized our understanding of protein structures. This A.I.-driven leap forward opens new doors for drug discovery and disease research, accelerating the path to new treatments.

2. Nobel Prize in Physics: Geoffrey Hinton and John Hopfield’s contributions to deep learning and neural networks have reshaped our understanding of A.I.’s potential. Their work has laid the foundation for the A.I. models we rely on today, pushing the boundaries of what machines can learn and accomplish.

These achievements show just how pivotal A.I. is becoming, not only in tech but in the broader world of science. It’s an exciting time to see A.I. making such a global impact! And we at CROPLAND are happy to be able to be part of this. Not only in the tech world, but also in areas as Life Sciences and Health care. 

Our latest newsletter is packed with the newest insights on A.I. and all that comes with it. In this edition, as well as in the previous ones, we try to highlight the wide range of A.I. applications and emphasize why it’s essential for organizations of all sizes to build their knowledge and trust in these technologies.

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