The future of A.I. and data strategy
The future of A.I. and data strategy: A leap forward through the VLAIO ICON CoCoNuT Project
A.I. is the future: Why you need to get on board now
Discover why you need to get on board now and how you have to take your first steps towards A.I.
CROPLAND – Interview with Tim Verheyden
Wie is Cropland en welke invloed heeft A.I. op de mens, zijn privacy en de toekomst?
Connect the data dots and discover your data story
Given the current situation, we are obliged to work from home. Companies are setting up different IT systems to make sure this working-from-home situation is moderated properly. But are these IT systems the ultimate solution, or is there more to it?
Vissen naar data in een mensenstroom
Antwerpen is in de ban van de Tall Ships Races. Nog tot zondag is een vijftigtal majestueuze zeilschepen te bewonderen aan de Scheldekaaien, het Katten- dijkdok en de dokken rond het MAS. De stad verwacht een half miljoen bezoekers.
The General Directory of the Walloon Service for Public Roads wins the Agoria Smart Cities Award 2017
Orange and Maxime Prévot, Walloon Minister of Public Works and Road Safety, are proud to announce that the Walloon Service for Public Roads received the “Agoria Smart Cities Award 2017” for the crowd monitoring initiative to solve the mobility problems resulting from the growing success of the Pairi Daiza family park. An action plan was imminent for the community of Gages to improve the daily life of its inhabitants during peak season, as well as the optimisation of traffic through the region as the roads could not handle heavy traffic jams.
Mobistar and CROPLAND map out crowds of people during large-scale events in commission of Antwerp’s city Council
Brussels, 14 April 2016 – Mobistar and CROPLAND are collaborating in commission of and with Antwerp´s city council to ensure the security of events and optimise the functioning of several Antwerp municipal departments. The new big data applications that the two players are implementing in 2016 will significantly improve the day-to-day functioning of the City of Antwerp, especially during the organisation of large-scale events.
How can BigData and Data Analytics contribute to restore business after a crisis ?
Check out this webinar replay in which we present how BigData (in collaboration with Orange) can be used to gain strategic & actionable insights for relaunching your business in the New Normal in 2021.
Hoe kan BigData and Data Analytics bijdragen om bezoekersstromen in kaart te brengen?
Op ons youtubekanaal vindt u de presentatie van Orange in samenwerking met CROPLAND terug; naast de case study van Toerisme Vlaanderen (de YouFlanders app en heatmapping) licht Geert Vromman enkele use case toe.